Euroform Mon Epe
Euroform Mon Epe aus Doxato/Drama:
PITSIKOGLOU COMPANY is the biggest company in Greece, active for more than 20 years in imports and trading of used iron and sheet metal processing machinery, such as machining centers, pressbrakes CNC-NC,Robots (KUKA), guillotine shears, bending rolls, punching, laser waterjet, boring, radials , copytorches, lathes, milling machines and also the biggest spectrum of hydraulic and eccentric presses from 20 to 1000 tons. We do also refurbish of these machines.
Herr Georgios Pitsikoglou
Agios Athanasios
66300 Doxato/Drama
Makedonien - Thrakien
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Gebrauchtmaschinen in folgenden Bereichen:
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Pressure: 250t Sheet metal length: 3250mm Vw7Ko New hydraulic and electric system......
Type: C280-35L Pressure: 280 T Wocnmhut Working length: 5.300 mm Technical characteristics: HYDRAULIC New hydraulic and electric systems......
Pressure: 200 T Down table size: 1.250x1.500 mm Technical characteristics: BACK PRESSURE NEW ELECTRIC AND HYDRAULIC SYSTEMS Woddketk......
Pressure: 340 T Length of stroke: 200 mm Down table size: 100x800 mm Wodk8Jds Distance between up-down: - open 510mm (daylight) - closed 310mm New hydraulic and electric systems......
Pressure: 250 T Length of stroke: 120 mm Down table size: 1600x1600 mm B30Enx NEW HYDRAULIC AND ELECTRIC SYSTEMS......
Pressure: 100 T Length of stroke: 150 mm Down table size: 800 x 650 Wodupox3......
Pressure: 200t Length of stroke: 200mm Up table size: 800x700mm Down table size: 800x700mm Weight: 7000kgr Bwbsj New electric and hydraulic systems......
Pressure: 300t Length of stroke: 500mm Up table size: 1760x1200mm Woegtjop Down table size: 1760x1200mm Back pressure: 100t Weight: 33000kgr New hydraulic and electric ......
Pressure: 160T Bhf2Uls Length of stroke: 30 - 180 mm Down table size: 800x900 mm Back pressure: WITH BACK PRESSURE Technical characteristics: WITH AIR CLUTCH New electric syst......
Pressure: 200 t Length of stroke: 40-180mm Strokes by minute: 32 Up table size: 630x500mm Down table size: 900x800mm Technical characteristics: AIR CLUTCH Power: 15 HP ......
Pressure: 30t Strokes per minute: 120-600 Stroke: 40mm Up table size: 250x500mm Wombnnuw Down table size: 600x600mm & 400x320mm Between Columns Technical characteristics: ......
Working length: 5.500mm Sheet metal thickness: 13mm Technical characteristics: *3 ROLLS WORKING *TOP ROLL DIAMETER Φ-500 *SIDE ROLLS DIAMETER Φ-300 (EACH ONE) Womruhhh ......
Technische Merkmale: Länge: 3.600 Mms Womtrilj......
Technical characteristics: HORIZONTAL MACHINING CENTER Wom7Cn9T AUTOFEED 8 PALLETS 140 TOOL ISO50......
8 STATIONS Technical characteristics: Wo7Gxsgw ROLLFORMER 8 STATIONS 400mm WIDTH......
Hersteller: TRUMPF Bzverw8 Typ: CS20a EXCELLENT CONDITION......
Type: 229R200 Winkelstahl: 150x12 / 200x100x12 mm T-Stahl: 120 mm U-Stahl-Flansch: 200 mm Flachstahl: 140x20 / 200x14 mm Bz8Vxli I-Normalprofil bis: 200 mm Gesamtleistu......
SURFACE GRINDER MAGNETIC Bskpdq Down table size: 1100x400mm......
Down table size: 1120x1250mm Technical characteristics: *UP DOWN STROKE 1000 mms Cdaol3Rt *FORWARD BACKWARD STROKE 1200 mms *LEFT RIGHT STROKE 1000 mms......
Type: FB50 OPTICUT Wo8Gguzx Technical characteristics: DIGITAL BORING......
CIRCULAR SAW WITH AUTOFEED Wo8Ozj3A Technical characteristics: DIAMETER DISK 380 mms Comments: MAGGOT in GERMANY......
CIRCULAR SAW Technical characteristics: *HYDRAULIC AUTOFEED *DISC DIAMETER 400 mm Wo8Px0Ob......
Technical characteristics: *HYDRAULIC AUTOFEED *DISC DIAMETER 500 mms Wo8Qwlac Comments: *MADE IN GERMANY......
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